• Stronger Together

    Strengthening Christian Schools

    Equipping Christian Educators


    Association of Christian Schools International

    East Asia Office 


  • Introducing ACSI East Asia

    The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) is the largest Protestant educational organization in the world. Since 1978, ACSI has advanced excellence in Christian schools by enhancing the professional and personal development of Christian educators and providing support functions for Christian schools. Those functions include a host of services, including teacher and administrator certification, school accreditation, and textbook publishing. ACSI member schools serve around 5.5 million students worldwide. Along with a headquarters faculty, ACSI has 28 offices in North America and around the globe. Nearly 25,000 schools from over 108 countries are members.


    Mission & Vision 

    "To strengthen Christian schools and equip Christian educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire them to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ."


    "ACSI will become a leading international organization that promotes Christian education and provides training and resources to Christian schools and Christian educators." 


    Statement of Faith | Three Pillars  | ACSI Fact Sheet

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    ACSI East Asia offers a variety of services to meet the different needs of Christian schools. Membership provides exclusive educational tools and access to a wide range of programs for students and teachers.




    Membership Services


    College Years Ahead

    Admissions Counseling

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    Validate your school's quality and verify that your staff are striving for excellence. ACSI accreditation enables your staff to evaluate your school or program in light of your unique educational mission. Our certification programs are geared toward equipping and empowering teachers to integrate their faith into their classrooms to impact the lives of students.




    International Educator

    Certification Program

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    Purposeful Design Publications, the publishing division of ACSI, is committed to the ministry of Christian school educations. PDP helps educators and schools worldwide prepare students for life through biblically sound materials that reflect Christian scholarship and stewardship.


    Textbooks & Educational Resources



  • East Asia Regional Offices

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    We are praying for nine regional offices in the East Asia region:



    South Korea

    North Korea

    Hong Kong (SAR)

    Macau (SAR)



    Far East Russia


  • Our Pillars

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    We want all schools to aspire to, achieve, and remain committed to a biblically-based philosophy of education, standards that are measurable. ACSI strives to lead, support, and serve Christian schools, and educators, by placing them on a path of growth using the research-based Flourishing Schools Initiative. This model links leadership and faculty professional development accreditation, and every culture-driving component of a school. A common philosophy, and a flourishing-based metric, unifies our efforts of advancing Christian education

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    ACSI is committed to making Kingdom education available to as many children and families as desire it, believing that such an education offers students an opportunity to grow in a loving relationship with their Creator, come to know His saving work through Jesus, and flourish in His Ephesians 2:10 calling for their lives. This commitment requires removing barriers to access for those who traditionally have not benefited from Christian school, as well as seeking out new ways to create access points to Kingdom education and the ability to thrive and be successful in that education—for all those who desire it.

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    As the largest evangelical Christian school association in the world, ACSI is by default viewed as the spokesperson for Christian schooling in the public square. In order to discharge this responsibility with excellence and seasoned speech (Colossians 4:6), and to equip our member schools to do the same, ACSI must invest in developing public-facing resources and forming strategic relationships with those working in the area of advocacy for Christian Education and for religious liberty.

  • Contact Us 

    184 Jungbu-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do
    Office: +82-031-205-2502
    Fax: +82-031-217-2501